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Replicating that in-person feel with video

Posted January 9, 2024

There are numerous stats out there quoting how much people prefer videos over reading when it comes to learning about a company’s products or services. For example:

According to Yans Media, only 20% of users prefer to read, while the other 80% would prefer to watch the same content in a video.

Wyzowl says that among people looking to learn about a product or service, 73% said that would rather watch a short video, versus 11% who would rather read text.

And according to Elite Content Marketer, 66% of people said they’d rather to watch a short video to learn about a product or service, compared to 18% who would prefer to read something text-based.

80/20. 73/11. 66/18. Does the exact ratio really matter?

Of course not.

What is important is the overall preference for watching content rather than reading it. Especially when it comes to learning about a product or service.

Or, to put it another way, users prefer to have content delivered to them, rather than having to read it themselves.


In my opinion, it’s quite simple. Consumers are trying to replicate an in-store experience where they actually speak with someone. Watching a video is the closest we’ll get to online human interaction (for now at least, until VR or holograms or teleportation becomes common).

Even compared to an online chat (where they may be a real person behind the keyboard), it’s still text-based, and missing that ‘experiential’ feel of a video.

So if we start thinking about explainer videos trying to do more than just explain something, but rather as a medium to give your customers/users a form of human interaction, that makes you think about this ‘simple’ video a bit differently.

Gone are the utilitarian videos with crummy synth music in the background and a bunch of on-screen captions. Users want a full interaction, which includes visuals (whether animated, live action or a blend, it doesn’t matter) and a friendly voice to take their metaphorical hand and lead them down the road of discovery.

It can only help a company’s bottom line (and customer satisfaction scores) to start thinking of explainers as more than just another marketing tick box to check. Instead, they’re an opportunity to speak directly to their customers.

And who doesn’t want that?

Well, I guess 20% of us…

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